A Visit to ISB
Our trips to ISB are looked forward to every time we are about to visit the school. However, this visit was a little different. Instead of our regular visits to their lessons, the ISB students organized a project called “Living History“. Ninth-graders were divided into groups of four, and were waiting in different classrooms. As their 15 minutes were to tick and after the audience came in, they started presenting. Everyone chose a historical figure and pretended to be him/her while talking about the life and interesting facts about that person. Students made the posters, presentations and speeches. We saw American natives and revolutionaries, inventors, athletes and celebrities. Some of the people who were talked about are still alive, like Oprah, but they have done things that will never be forgotten.
As always, we didn’t want to leave, and after the amazing one-hour project, students of our school went to speak to the school principal. We shared impressions and opinions about our visits, differences between Serbian and Anglo-Saxon school systems and talked about various other topics. Both sides enjoyed the talk very much, and are now eagerly looking forward to another meeting!
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Посета Интернационалној школи
Након још једне посете Интернационалној школи нашег града, позвани смо на разговор са директором школе.
Радо нас је примио и хтео да разговара са нама. Питао нас је за наше мишљење о школи и разлици између њихове и наше.
Испричао нам је и о начину рада, како ради најбољих резултата, сваки ученик има слободу и избор о испољавању знања о лекцији.
Веома упадљиво је то што ученици уче и раде помоћу најновије технологије. Свако има свој лап-топ, свака учионица има паметну таблу, и свако у школи се разуме у компјутере. Али постоји још једна важна ствар: ученици и наставници се веома добро познају. Они увек могу да питају за помоћ и савет.
Директор и наставници организују и састанак са децом два пута месецно да прицају о стварима које су проблем или да размењују идеје.
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Visiting The International School Of Belgrade
Education and experience are two very important things bilingual education in our school has to offer.
Starting with the program in English, pupils develop their knowledge in English language and also in subjects such as Physics, History, Math, and P.E.
Another advantage is also the trip to International School of Belgrade.
In the ISB, pupils get to go to classes and have a glimpse at a whole another education system and create connections with other students and they learn to appreciate the variety of cultures and religions. I know myself, as a part of a bilingual class, how meaningful it is to go to the International School and get to learn something new as well as see something new.
The last time we were there, we went to classes such as English, Humanity, Drama and Art, Design and Music class. and we got to participate in group projects, play instruments with other pupils and get to know some of the kids as well as learn something new we might not have a chance to learn based on our education system.
I think it's great having the opportunity to visit ISB and we always have a lot of fun going there. I think that kids who join the bilingual class next year won't regret it, because being a part of class with only 16 students in it, it has brought us together a lot closer and so did the ISB.. Because it's the experience I got to share with my friends that makes it even better, so I hope the next generations will enjoy going to the ISB as much as I do.
March 2015
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